Why Pan-Africanism?

Five Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Why Pan-Africanism?

Pan-Africanism is the liberation and unification of Africa under a socialist economic system.

  1. How can the quest for a unified Africa help me as a person of African descent living in Kingston, Jamaica; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; London, England or in Milwaukee, Wisconsin (u.s.)?

A liberated, unified, socialist Africa is the only way any African, living anywhere in the world, can permanently be free of exploitation and oppression. And, of course, the wealth of Africa belongs to all Africans, all people of African descent no matter where they happen to be born or live in the world, and all will be used for the education, health and general welfare of all Africans.  Malcolm X stated: “Just because a cat has kittens in the oven that doesn’t make them biscuits.”  Queen Mother Moore stated: “Well, if an African has offspring in America, what are they?  They’re still Africans.  We’re nothing more than OVERSEAS AFRICANS.” Our land base Africa, used for our health and welfare, ensures our liberation.


  1. Why talk about Pan-Africanism, a long-range goal, when our people are struggling right now (e.g. shelter, food, quality education, living wage jobs)?

We want a permanent solution, not a temporary one.  We appreciate the organizations that are struggling to solve the current problems of our people.  We need these organizations.  However, our focus is on permanent liberation and that can only come about via Pan-Africanism.  Land=Wealth=Power=Respect=Liberation!

  1. Why socialism?  Why not just a unified Africa controlled by African people?

We don’t want to Africanize exploitation and oppression.  We don’t want to change the face of our exploiters and oppressors.  We want the wealth of our homeland to go to all Africans, not just 1% of Africans.  Only an economic system in which the people own and control, i.e. socialism, will ensure that Africa’s wealth benefits all of her people.

  1. How can over fifty (50) states/countries in Africa unite?  Is this a utopian dream?  

No, it is not.  Our people are dying.  We are in a life and death struggle.  The struggle for survival.  And as Dr. Kwame Nkrumah wrote: “the forces that unite us are intrinsic and greater than the superimposed influences that keep us apart.”  We have the same history (the contribution of humankind, the enslavement and colonization of our people), the same current reality (exploitation and oppression) and thus the same goal (liberation). We will be forced to unite if we want to survive.

  1. What can I do to bring Pan-Africanism into existence?

First and foremost, join a revolutionary Pan-African socialist organization to help politically educate our people and thus to help us to unify around this goal: We need all to be on the same page—in monolithic unity—around the fundamental questions of identity, enemy, objective, strategy and tactics (political education leading to revolution).

If you already belong to one of these organizations, then please encourage your organization to join with other revolutionary Pan-African socialist organizations to more effectively politically educate our people and thus to more quickly bring into existence a unified, socialist Africa.

Then, walk the walk. Don’t just talk the talk. Show our people, now, the life that we’re struggling to bring into existence. How? By living according to our traditional African principles: humanism, collectivism, egalitarianism. Organization will help you to do so.